Opinions of the administrative committee of wuhan donghu new technology development zone on vigorously promoting the development of new private economy

2019-03-02 04:11:56 文章来源: 浏览次数:4241 字体:      

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Private economy is an important force in the economic development of east lake new technology development zone. In order to further promote the development of new private economy in east lake new technology development zone, cultivate new drivers of economic growth, build a new highland for the growth of private economy, and strive to be the vanguard of the development of new private economy, the following Suggestions are put forward:

Article 1 optimize the environment for the development of new private economy. We will create a fair market environment for competition, implement negative list management, remove market barriers, and open up market access. We will advance the development of smart government affairs, deepen reform to streamline administration, delegate powers, and provide services, and implement the principle of "immediately, online, and once for all". We will put in place a prudent oversight mechanism that is inclusive of innovation, and create a business environment for the new private sector that features the most comprehensive matters, the simplest procedures, the smallest requirements, and the best services. Strengthen the construction of credit system and promote the improvement of credit quality of private enterprises in east lake new technology development zone. (responsible units: government affairs service bureau, development and reform bureau)

Article 2 encourage innovation and entrepreneurship of the new "four armies". We will vigorously promote the "four major projects to pool talents and wisdom in China", implement the project of overseas scientific and creative talents coming to China, deeply implement the "3551 optical valley talent plan", and build an international talent free port. We will support the establishment of science and technology enterprises by the new "four armies" in the east lake new technology development zone, implement the project to link research achievements of universities and colleges, and provide comprehensive subsidies of up to 100 million yuan to various types of entrepreneurial talents to settle in the east lake new technology development zone. We will build platforms for crowd innovation, crowd sourcing, crowd support and crowd funding, improve the service system for innovation and entrepreneurship, and further improve the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. (responsible unit: organization department, science and innovation bureau)

Article 3. Vigorously develop the "four new" economy. In accordance with the requirements of building "optical valley", "pharmaceutical valley", "golden valley" and "intelligent valley" with high standards and high standards, no less than 3 billion yuan of special fiscal funds will be allocated every year to support the economic development of the "four new projects". A 50 billion yuan optical valley industry development fund will be set up to encourage the "four new" optical valley enterprises to expand their industrial scale and carry out mergers and acquisitions. Introduce and cultivate a large number of advanced enterprises with international influence and invisible champions leading and leading in the industry. We will encourage large enterprises to play a leading role, support large enterprises in opening up their supply chain resources and market channels, and promote integrated development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. (responsible units: development and reform bureau, enterprise service bureau)

Article 4 encourage the expansion of private capital investment. Allow private capital to enter the laws and regulations did not ban access to all industries and fields, encourage and support private capital into the financial, public transportation, infrastructure, housing, culture, education, health care, pension, health sports services such as public services, actively promote the government and social capital (PPP) model of cooperation. Set up investment service center to provide full assistance. New enterprises and local enterprises will be rewarded in proportion to their capital and production increase, up to 100 million yuan. (responsible units: investment promotion bureau, market supervision administration bureau, government affairs service bureau, enterprise service bureau)

Article 5 support scientific and technological innovation of private enterprises. We will encourage private enterprises to establish high-level scientific and technological innovation platforms, and provide support of up to 100 million yuan to projects that have been approved as state-level scientific research and innovation platforms and received major state special funds. We will support enterprises in the area in building international science and technology cooperation parks overseas with a maximum of 50 million yuan in financial support. We will support enterprises in increasing investment in r&d and innovation, build and use open and Shared technology innovation service platforms, and encourage private enterprises to improve their r&d capabilities. (responsible unit: science and innovation bureau)

Article 6 create a financial environment for the development of new private economy. We will further promote the implementation of the reform plan of technology and finance in wuhan city circle. Encourage private enterprises to initiate and establish financial institutions such as optical valley science and technology bank, science and technology securities and science and technology insurance; Support qualified sponsors to set up non-bank financial institutions such as optical valley financial leasing, consumer finance, auto finance companies and enterprise group finance companies; We will encourage private enterprises to set up optical valley industrial investment funds, venture capital funds and angel funds, and reward financial institutions up to 100 million yuan for settling down. We will encourage private enterprises to obtain various ways of increasing trust through new elements such as intellectual property rights, big data resources and equity. Enterprises are encouraged to raise funds through the multi-level capital market, and the reward for listing can be up to 6.5 million yuan. (responsible party: development and reform bureau)

Article 7 improve the development space of new private economy. We will promote specialized and refined development of incubators, accelerators and crowd innovation Spaces to provide high-quality space for innovation and entrepreneurship. We will accelerate the construction of smart industrial parks, optimize the guarantee of production factors, improve the supporting infrastructure for life in the parks, and build characteristic industrial parks with high economic concentration in the "four new" areas. We will build towns for talents, science and technology, and industry, and build a new town for science and technology with intensive production, convenient living, excellent ecology, and livable industry. (responsible units: science and innovation bureau, enterprise service bureau, planning bureau, construction bureau)

Article 8 create a good atmosphere to promote the development of new private economy. We will vigorously promote the optical valley culture that encourages innovation, tolerates failure, respects taxpayers and protects entrepreneurs. The annual "optical valley outstanding contributions to private enterprises" and "outstanding private entrepreneurs" will be released to publicize benchmark enterprises, demonstrate entrepreneurship, and give full play to the leading and exemplary role of "famous enterprises, famous celebrities and famous products" in the new private economy of optical valley, so as to form a development trend of new private economy striving to catch up and compete for the first place. (responsible units: office, organization department, enterprise service bureau)

The administrative committee of donghu new technology development zone shall be responsible for the interpretation and implementation of the opinions, which shall take effect from the date of promulgation and be valid for two years. Specific implementation measures shall be implemented in accordance with relevant detailed rules.