Some opinions on further optimizing the employment environment of college students in wuhan east lake new technology development zone (trial)

2017-11-20 04:12:54 文章来源: 浏览次数:4207 字体:      

For the comprehensive implementation "about entrepreneurship support millions of college students leave han several policies and measures of employment (wu do article [2017] no. 53) file spirit, promote to carry out the" double hundred million "project, further optimize the environment of college students' entrepreneurial employment, to encourage more college students in east lake development zone business employment, promoting the construction of" valley ", formulates this opinion.

Article 1 the phoenix nest plan is implemented to optimize the living environment of college graduates. According to the standard of carrying bags, it provides college graduates with fully functional, comfortable and convenient apartments for talents. In order to create a livable, livable and creative environment in the east lake development zone, we will build several optical valley youth communities with beautiful environment and complete supporting facilities. We will encourage social capital, enterprises and public institutions to participate in the construction of youth communities and apartments for talents. We will give appropriate financial subsidies to relevant units that provide apartments for college graduates in accordance with the standard of holding bags and whose rent is no more than 30% off the market price of the surrounding areas. We will implement the system of housing vouchers for talents, and issue such vouchers in the form of incentives to enterprises and college graduates to buy and rent housing.

Article 2 the "optical valley scholarship" and "rooted optical valley award" shall be established to encourage college students to make innovations and start businesses in optical valley. In cooperation with universities in han, the annual arrangement of not less than 3 million yuan to set up the "optical valley scholarship" and not less than 2 million yuan to set up the "root optical valley award" will be awarded by the east lake development zone and universities. "Optical valley scholarship" supports full-time college students with excellent academic performance who are interested in starting a business and finding employment in east lake development zone. The "rooted optical valley award" supports graduates with outstanding social practice, innovation ability and comprehensive quality, who start their own businesses in the east lake development zone, work in small and micro enterprises or grass-roots positions, and serve for three years or more.

Article 3 carry out the "CAI ju guang gu" action to improve employment services for college students. We guide enterprises to realize the transformation from recruitment to talent seeking. Every year, we organize the activity of "CAI juguang gu -- thousands of enterprises and thousands of posts in universities and colleges", hold roving policy presentations and college students' employment talks in various universities, and send the employment policies and jobs in the east lake development zone to campus. Promote the construction of alumni coffee, organize well-known enterprises of optical valley to hold college students' theme salons in each alumni coffee regularly, provide all-round services for college students' entrepreneurship and employment, and organize various entrepreneurship and employment mentors, relevant experts, scholars and college students to communicate face to face.

Article 4. Provide grassroots jobs and encourage college graduates to train in the frontline. Through the government's purchase of grassroots public administration and social service development posts, the government provides grassroots employment posts to college graduates every year, and recruits fresh college graduates with salaries no lower than the average level of local newly employed college students. In the annual recruitment plan of the state-owned enterprises directly under the east lake development zone, a certain number of quota is listed separately, and the management committee will coordinate the targeted recruitment of fresh university graduates, and the selected university graduates will be included in the youth cadre reserve of east lake development zone.

Article 5 human resources industrial park shall be built to encourage human resources institutions to attract talents and wisdom. We will build a human resources industrial park, cultivate and introduce well-known human resources institutions at home and abroad, and encourage human resources institutions to provide intermediary services for the introduction of university graduates. For the well-known human resources institutions that settle in the human resources industrial park for the first time and whose regional headquarters are located in the east lake development zone, the one-time office rental subsidy of up to 100,000 yuan will be given. For the relocation of the national headquarters to the east lake development zone, the implementation of "one case one discussion". For those who recommend new college graduates to successfully find jobs in donghu development zone in the same year, the employment service subsidy of RMB 400 yuan per person shall be given to human resources institutions, with the maximum annual subsidy of RMB 200,000 yuan for each institution. The "bo le award" is set up to award 100,000 yuan to enterprises and human resources institutions of east lake development zone that introduce college graduates to optical valley every year.

Article 6 establish "seed pool for entrepreneurship" to help college students optic valley entrepreneurship. Support college students with scientific and technological achievements to set up scientific and technological enterprises in donghu development zone. Every year, donghu development zone selects high-quality projects to be listed in the "seed pool for entrepreneurship" of college students, and gives free funding according to 10% of the cash contribution of entrepreneurs, with the maximum amount of funding for each project being 500,000 yuan. Encourage the gen space, science and technology business incubators and other professional services will intensify the incubation service of entrepreneurship for college students, the annual actual come and recommended to be included in the "seed pool" project of the space, science and technology business incubators and other professional service organizations, each selected 50000 yuan of projects for a reward, a single professional services firm rewards of up to 500000 yuan.

Article 7 optical valley youth canteen shall be established to guarantee the catering needs of university graduates. Well-known chain catering institutions are encouraged to set up optical valley youth canteens in areas where university graduates gather, so as to provide high-quality catering services for university graduates. For more than 50 chain food and beverage outlets across the country, has more than 2000 square meters central kitchen in han, regional headquarters is located in the east lake development zone of catering enterprises, in the east lake development zone approved by the university students gathering area, each new open a food and beverage outlets, and a year according to 50 yuan/square meters, the highest subsidies of 200 square meters standard, rent subsidies.

Article 8 improve the organization care mechanism and enhance the sense of belonging of university graduates. Timely transfer the party organization relationship of new college graduates to provide a platform for the education and management of college graduates. Party worker service center set up in the zone growth salon station agent, college students college students, college students the classroom culture, establish and perfect training system, build system of backbone members to heart talk with college graduates, in a timely manner to understand and solve new ZhiDa student thought, work, life difficult, to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurial university graduate obtain employment growth promotion.

Article 9 to build optical valley youth home and help college graduates grow and develop. Optical valley home of youth with pku, facing the east lake development zone of university graduates, building coverage group, employment counseling service management, innovation, business service, youth culture activities, volunteer service, friends fellowship, psychological counseling, rights protection from eight aspects, such as service service optical valley youth talents growth development of all-round, one-stop service platform, the mission of the organization network, work force, the service around college students realize marketing.the, day-to-day work of the project.

Article 10 optical valley university student certification center shall be built to improve the efficiency. The establishment of a "special window for millions of college students to stay in China for business and employment services", to achieve the "unified reception at the front, classified examination and approval at the back, convenient delivery of documents" examination and approval service mode. Docking college students in wuhan city informatization service platform, the construction of the optical valley college certification center, through the way of network data collection and comparison, each department for examination and approval of the background data integration of college students, to bring all documents of the college students "one key" on the net, to further reduce the amount of college students' site submit the certification materials, improve efficiency.