Consul General of Chile in Shanghai visited the East Lake Comprehensive Protector Zone

2019-08-30 04:09:42 文章来源: 浏览次数:5205 字体:      

On August 30th, Mr. Gong Gutai, Consul General of Chile in Shanghai, and representatives of Chilean businessmen visited Wuhan East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone, had an in-depth understanding of the investment environment and development situation of the zone, and had talks on matters related to further promoting the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises of Wuhan and Chile.

At the meeting, the delegation watched the promotional video of Wuhan East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone and listened to the report on the overall industrial development of the East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone. The consul general said that the zone, with its advantages of unique location and industrial agglomeration, would provide an effective platform for Chilean enterprises and products to explore the central China market. He hoped that the two sides could strengthen exchanges and establish a regular cooperation mechanism. Chile with all area enterprise on behalf of the international logistics transportation, customs clearance, inspection declaration efficiency specific problems such as communication, foreign said, relying on the heddle area complete imported fruits, meat port and logistics park supporting functions, willing to put more high quality products for export to China, Chile expectations in the food, fruit, wine, seafood and other products for cross-border trade field combining site, win-win cooperation.